Greetings, Earthling.

You’ve arrived at Basement Alien’s art site. Feel free to stay a while.

About the Artist

Basement Alien is the pseudonym for Mary Helen Josephine.

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More like, why not? The name Basement Alien could refer to the feeling of ‘otherness’ often felt by those with anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses. These feelings of alienation and grappling with memories or trauma often get pushed down, sifted to the side, and ultimately they go unpacked but not unnoticed by the subconscious mind. You’re left with a nagging voice, trying to get you to go to therapy.

Have you ever felt that feeling? Perhaps you have an alien in your basement. Could probably do with some sorting out.

Truthfully the name was conceived in a college class - Mary Helen was asked to create a mock non-profit organization and decided to open a pretend-business named Basement Alien Museum and Arcade. Perhaps that fine establishment may still come to exist one day, but for now Basement Alien makes art.